The word of the week at the garden is POTATO BUG! Everyone is talking about them! Of course they turned up a few weeks ago, and everyone with potatoes has been comparing notes: how many bugs, what to try, how often to dust or spray... Picking them by hand is sometimes necessary but never fun. And for people with a whole bed of potatoes, just not possible!
Some seem to prefer the old-fashioned dust, while others have good results with someting called Aim. No matter what they use, the key seems to be getting out ahead of the bugs. Constant vigilance! My solution is to avoid growing potatoes altogether. I don't often eat them anyway. This seems to put me in the minority!

Two juvenile bugs are seen here munching away determinedly.
Some seem to prefer the old-fashioned dust, while others have good results with someting called Aim. No matter what they use, the key seems to be getting out ahead of the bugs. Constant vigilance! My solution is to avoid growing potatoes altogether. I don't often eat them anyway. This seems to put me in the minority!
Two juvenile bugs are seen here munching away determinedly.