Friday, May 14, 2010

Water update from Doug

Good afternoon everyone, the sun is shining and we are all excited to get our gardens going, right?

Well this week Brian and myself along with some able bodied helpers trenched in some new waterlines for our new plots along with a couple of upgrades for the old ones. We hooked almost all the taps up yesterday, we did find some leaks, so please do not close any holes, we need to do a couple of repairs first. The water system is functional as it is.

All you need to do is turn the RED handle in the main box (located in the south/west corner) this valve controls all the water now, and please make sure that someone is going to turn it OFF. The person who turns the water on is responsible, so if you want leave and someone else is still watering, just kindly remind them to turn it off okay? Thanks so much.

I'm not sure if everyone is on this email so please pass the word around, Brian and myself and other gardeners are more then willing to help you get started just ask someone.

Great thanks for now and happy gardening. Doug

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April showers bring...

The first flowers of May - beautiful bergenia in full bloom already. This is the first flower in the perennial bed. Lots of other plants just starting to come up and leaf out.

And the first signs of future crops to come. These are 2 spinach sprouts, planted in mid-April on a warm summery day. Here they are stretching out their seed leaves, and just budding their true leaves after a few days of cold, rain, and even snow. My spinach came up quickly in last spring's cold wet weather too. I think the damp and frost must make them happy!