Sunday, May 25, 2008


It finally rained today! South-western Manitoba has had a fairly dry windy spring so far, and the top couple of inches of soil has been pretty dry since opening day. On the long weekend it clouded over and a few drops fell, but not enough to get the seeds sprouting. A few of us gardeners have been hauling water form home to feed our first tender transplants, and others have been hoping for rain.

A hose has been set up to bring the water supply closer to the middle of the garden plots. This will be a great help once the water is turned on! As a few of us have noticed this week, the main water supply is not yet functioning. Karen assures us that she is looking into it - as far as she knows it should be turned on, so we'll have to see what the City workers say...

In the meanwhile, the weather came through and supplied a steady day of rain to soak the soil.

1 comment:

Karen Burton said...

The water has been turned on! Who knew the water lines were turned off and drained in the fall...guess we will know for next time! HAppy Gardening