Monday, May 18, 2009

Garden Season is Open

Hummingbird Garden is up and running for the season as of Thursday May 14th.  Our unofficial head gardener, Brian, tilled our main plots, and broke ground for a set of new plots to the East of the original garden.  The new plots mean everyone on the waiting list got a plot.  Word has got out and I think they are all full now...  

A few other changes - the raspberry plants have been corraled into two small areas, so they won't be taking over our veggie plots.  There is still a small pile of dirt for topping off the raised beds, too. 

If you have a plot and you're not sure which one is yours - check out the plot map on the bulletin board at the garden.  If you're not sure which map goes with which plot, ask one of the experienced gardeners.  

We can also show you how to access the water pipe.  But not until our water line is turned back on...  Should be soon!

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