Friday, June 26, 2009

Good growth!

Well the heat means good growth, as you can see here. Every time I go to the garden everything seems several inches bigger. Some of the leaf crops are harvestable already, and the summer crops seem to be coming along really well.

Of course, the hotter it is, the more we gardeners worry about water! It can get to be our only topic of conversation!

Last night was a busy one at the garden, with several people hauling water from tap to plot. If you've been in the last few days you may have noticed the NEW TAPS! Hose has been trenched in underground, and three taps added. One is at the East end of the West garden - giving better access to the plots at that end, as well as the raspberry plot. The other two taps are on each side of the East Garden (B Plots) - At last!

So now both plots have taps within a reasonable hose distance. We all still need to remember to attach the main line to each set of taps at the meter when we start, and to un-attach them when we are done. At this point we can't have both gardens hooked up at the same time.

Brian reminds me every time I see him, that the underground lines are only old hose. That means they could burst or spring a leak some time without us knowing it right away. If that happens with the hose still attached at the meter, we could flood the whole garden, and blow our summer's water budget, in one go!

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